
Please, Console Me is a blog for the crazed video game blatherings of me, Richie.

To give you some loose context, I’ve been playing video games since some point in the 80s. After my Dad caved in and bought my first computer (a CPC6128 with a green screen, microcomputer fans), I was IN. While most kids were playing football outside, I was typing in lines of BASIC inside.

Then, in 1991 a copy of CVG changed everything. I think it was a preview of the first Sonic game for the Megadrive. The synapses started to fire. What in blue hell was this? How is this even possible? I looked back at my Amstrad (which was trying and failing to load Treasure Island Dizzy at the time) and felt I had been lied to.

The following year I entered some Sega Bus Sonic tournament thing and won that.

Then I got asked to appear on some gaming show on Sky TV. I lost that.

Ten years later, I was part of rock/pop/dance group/band thing which led to us contributing music to Gran Turismo, F1 2006, FIFA and a bunch of others I can’t remember.

So, I feel like I have always been skimming off the surface on the games industry, wanting in… but just not knowing how.

Anyway, the past is the past and the present is with us. So what better to do with the time that is given to us than play video games and wite about them?

No harm in that, surely?