Hey there internet trolls! I just wanted to break the ice, say howdy, and welcome to my “little corner of the internet”.

In short, this will be where I spew thoughts, feelings and gutteral stirrings on the gaming paradigm. Bad opinions? Hot *shudder* takes? Got a garage full of ’em mate, all here for your delectation.

You may well ask “why?”… but then, why do anything? Decades ago, a careers guidance councellor did her job and put me off the idea of games writing for life (“it would be very difficult” I believe her words were). Over thirty years of axe grinding later, I’m here to scratch that itch.

Long term goals? Always a bit of a trap. I feel as long as all is good and we’re enjoying ourselves, let’s keep trucking until I cave under the weight of my own over-expectation.

Anyway… where were we? Oh yeah, video games.

Richie x

A picture of Richie Vernon, the author of this site

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